Month: June 2015

Sex and Energy…So Important!!!

Shaman Flavio


As a Shamanic Therapist, I witness first hand the negative results that occur under certain types of sexual interactions. This is probably the main reason why most religions promote abstinence. I find it unfair to tell someone not to do something without explaining the real reasons why, thus this article.

We are energetic beings, everything we do from the beating of our hearts or just plain breathing requires energy, but other activities we normally would not think of also require and/or produce much energy. From a Shamanic perspective, emotions and thoughts are of crucial importance, because these produce a certain vibration in our aura and this will activate the “Law of Attraction” whether we want it or not.

Sex will make our auras vibrate at a very high pitch. From a metaphysical point of view, it is one of the highest outputs human beings can achieve; it is no wonder…

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